Friday, March 11, 2011

Why do black moms say to their daughters: "I raised you to be a strong black woman" Then cry racism in the U.S?

My wife was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta and some black girl was getting married and her mom said to her, "Don't cry, I raised you to be the strong black woman you are today" My wife (who is white like me) and NOT AT ALL RACIST says to me... "You know babe, I don't get it, black people are always saying how racism will never go away, but I could never imagine my mom looking me in the eyes and saying I want you to be the strong white woman i raised you to be." Then she said, "it seems like african americans are the ones who keep race at the forefront of their lives" I was baffled, because i agreed and have never thought of it like that. Why do they do that?

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